Welcome to American Citizens United for Responsible Gun Ownership


Fact: There are nearly as many guns as people in America

Americans own hundreds of millions of guns, making it the most armed nation on earth.

Fact: Fewer than one-third of Americans own a gun

30% of Americans, when surveyed, said they personally owned a gun. (Source: Pew, 2017)

Fact: 3% of Americans own 50% of the guns in the country.

These so-called super-owners own an average of 17 guns each.  These people own about 20% of the firearms in the world.  (Source: Harvard/Northeaster survey, 2016)

Fact: The majority of Americans want tighter control over weapons.

89% of Americans favor restricting gun sales to the mentally ill.  84% want to see the "gun show" loophole removed. (Source: Pew)

Fact: 68% of Americans believe assault-style weapons should be banned

Over two-thirds of Americans see no reason for these military weapons to be available.  65% would ban large-capacity magazines. This includes gun owners. (Source: Pew)

Fact: The gun lobby uses misleading and false claims to back their position

Semi-automatic assault rifles were designed by the military to kill people in combat.  The use of semi-automatic weapons to hunt is inappropriate or against hunting laws in many places.

About Us

ACURGO is dedicated to establishing common-sense solutions to America's gun violence problem.  We respect the right of responsible people to own guns for hunting, sport, and protection of themselves and their property where appropriate.

However, we also recognize that we live in a nation awash in guns, including military grade semi-automatic weapons that often leave our police outgunned when responding to situations.  

We believe there is a middle ground that respects the rights of law-abiding citizens, but does not leave our schools and streets threatened by weapons and violence, and our children in fear for their lives.

We can make a difference by working to elect legislators who share this common-sense view of responsible policy.


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